Monday, April 28, 2008

Barbie Doll

*Read “Barbie Doll” pp. 117-118; Make note of all figures of speech that you can find. Post these on the blog.
1. There are many figures of speech in this poem such as: “So she cut off her nose and her legs. In the casket displayed on satin she lay with the undertaker’s cosmetics painted on,”.

*Read “Ozymandias” p. 121; Break down poem. Post on blog
• Read it through-Done
• Define any words you don’t know-Done
• Identify the speaker
o The speaker is probably a mother or a friend who is witnessing the situation.
• Identify the situation
o What’s happening
• The speaker is telling the reader what is happening during a young girl who is going through puberty.
o When is this happening
o When is this happening
o Where is this happening
• Identify the tone of the poem
o How the poem makes you feel
• I feel sad for the girl cause she was never pretty only when she died.
o The Speaker and how or what he gives to you.
• Identify important words or phrases
o “Doesn’t she look pretty?”
• Breakdown the words
o Musicality- sound- feeling
o Denotation- definition(s)
o Connotation- what the word implies
• Name the theme of the poem
• the theme of the poem is change and dramatic irony comes into play as well.
o Usually implied in the poem
• Or the purpose of the poem
o The Purpose of the poem is to inform young women and men that they will always be pretty they just have to look beyond the parts that might ‘make’ us look ugly.
• How does the author achieve this affect
o The author achieves this by, using lots of dramatic irony and words to describe what I said about the purpose of the poem.

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