Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Chimeny Sweeper

#1. The speaker thinks that you will be realeased when you die, which differs from what the poet thinks, in which the poet thinks that when you die you stay in your coffin, 'covered' from the rest of the world.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Barbie Doll

*Read “Barbie Doll” pp. 117-118; Make note of all figures of speech that you can find. Post these on the blog.
1. There are many figures of speech in this poem such as: “So she cut off her nose and her legs. In the casket displayed on satin she lay with the undertaker’s cosmetics painted on,”.

*Read “Ozymandias” p. 121; Break down poem. Post on blog
• Read it through-Done
• Define any words you don’t know-Done
• Identify the speaker
o The speaker is probably a mother or a friend who is witnessing the situation.
• Identify the situation
o What’s happening
• The speaker is telling the reader what is happening during a young girl who is going through puberty.
o When is this happening
o When is this happening
o Where is this happening
• Identify the tone of the poem
o How the poem makes you feel
• I feel sad for the girl cause she was never pretty only when she died.
o The Speaker and how or what he gives to you.
• Identify important words or phrases
o “Doesn’t she look pretty?”
• Breakdown the words
o Musicality- sound- feeling
o Denotation- definition(s)
o Connotation- what the word implies
• Name the theme of the poem
• the theme of the poem is change and dramatic irony comes into play as well.
o Usually implied in the poem
• Or the purpose of the poem
o The Purpose of the poem is to inform young women and men that they will always be pretty they just have to look beyond the parts that might ‘make’ us look ugly.
• How does the author achieve this affect
o The author achieves this by, using lots of dramatic irony and words to describe what I said about the purpose of the poem.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


“Toads” p. 82-83; write the answers to #4 and 5.
1. The second ‘Toad’ in the poem is the word starves, which can mean either; one dying for food, be freezing cold, or deprive of something necessary. In this poem it seems that it is used as the most common meaning hunger. This is the second ‘Toad’ that is used in the poem.

• Read it through-Done
• Define any words you don’t know-Bumpkins-socially awkward person from the countryside.
• Identify the speaker-Someone who works hard and doesn’t get treated the way he or she needs or wants to be.
• Identify the situation
o What’s happening-Speaker is talking about how he/she not being treated well.
o When is this happening-“” “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “
o When is this happening-Sometime during the day
o Where is this happening-inside somewhere
• Identify the tone of the poem
o How the poem makes you feel-Sad, Disgusted, Revolted, and Cold.
o The Speaker and how or what he gives to you.-The speaker gives me the feeling that he is tired of doing something and he wants a change for the better.
• Identify important words or phrases-Works, Toads, Starves, and ‘Stuff your Pension’.
• Breakdown the words
o Musicality- sound- feeling
o Denotation- definition(s)
o Connotation- what the word implies
• Name the theme of the poem- The theme of this poem is that if you want to change something or if you want something better for you, you need to make it happen and do something about that change, it will not happen on its own.
o Usually implied in the poem
• Or the purpose of the poem
• How does the author achieve this affect- The author achieves this by, using starves, ‘Stuff your pension’, and other themed like words or phrases.

The Victims

“The Victims” pp. 385-386; *Read “The Victims,” pp. 385-386; Explain exactly who the victims are in this poem and how you know.
1. The victims in this poem are the children of the Mother and Father that are mentioned. Although the children said that they were grinning under their ‘sadness’ I think that the speaker meant the reader to figure out that the children, were actually sad in the end, with both of their parents leaving them, alone and unattended.

Song Of The Powers

“Song of the Powers” pp. 74-75; #4
1. The final stanza shows that everyone will end alone, no matter what, if there is a winner there is always a loser, which means when everyone dies they will be alone. This type of literary device is called an Apostrophe- Which consists in addressing someone absent or dead or something nonhuman as if that person or thing were present and alive and could reply to what is being said.

To His Coy Mistress

“To His Coy Mistress” pp. 86-87; #3
1. First this poem confused me, I do not understand, is the speaker trying to woo a woman?
a. If the flood separates us yet, we lie before yonder waiting to go into this vast eternity. Therefore we must ‘grow our love, Vaster than empires, and more slow’. But eternity and life will not let them grow or use their love, on one another.

Dream Deferred

“Dream Deferred” pp. 87; #1
1. The last and most important image that is used is ‘explode’, which gives the reader a shock in a way. This is because in the beginning of the poem the author used cringing writing, or disgusting writing, next the writer uses a calm and soft tone that is used, and all of a sudden the writer uses ‘explode’ as a word to catch you again, as if he was trying to awake you with his writing.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Hound & Bereft

1. Describe the situation precisely. What time of day and year is it? Where is the speaker? What is happening to the Weather?
a. In this poem Bereft by Robert Frost, The speaker is describing the approach of a big storm and the effects that happens when this approaches. It must be dark so late afternoon and raining season. The weather is changing because of a storm as I said, and the speaker is in his house alone. Someone has just died that’s why this speaker is realizing the world is dark and lonely place.
The Hound
• Read it through-Done
• Define any words you don’t know
o Equivocal-Uncertain or questionable by nature.
• Identify the speaker
o The Speaker is simply telling about how a dog can be friendly or mean you never know till he or she comes close enough to touch.
• Identify the situation
o What’s happening-The speaker is describing what is happening when the dog is coming closer to him.
o When is this happening-sometime during the day.
o When is this happening-“” “”” “””” “””
o Where is this happening- in a house.
• Identify the tone of the poem
o How the poem makes you feel
• Happy and nervous for the speaker, what is going to happen?
o The Speaker and how or what he gives to you.
• Uncertainty, you don’t know what will happen.
• Identify important words or phrases
o Equivocal- Uncertain, the speaker is uncertain what the dog will do.
• Breakdown the words
o Musicality- sound- feeling
o Denotation- definition(s)
o Connotation- what the word implies
• Name the theme of the poem
• The theme is life is uncertain and doesn’t hold your plans instead makes plans of its own.
o Usually implied in the poem
• Or the purpose of the poem
• How does the author achieve this affect
o By using a main literary device, metaphors.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Good Times

Good Times
How are this family’s good times different from the good times your family has?
This poem is about a family and their reunion together. My family is different because we usually don’t have family reunions and don’t sing and dance…in the kitchen.

Richard Cory

What are the reasons for why Richard Cory does what he does at the end?
The reason Richard Cory kills himself at the end is because he just wants to be normal and wants to be treated different since he has been treated like a king for so long.

We Real Cool

We Real Cool
1. The reason the English teachers at an urban school mistakenly thought parts of this poem to be immoral would be the literary device of rhyming and repetition. For example the part when the author says, “We Real Cool, We Left School”, could mean that if you were cool then you would leave school.

Friday, April 18, 2008


1. Different purposes
a. Anger
b. Intersection
c. Something that has to be endured
d. Mixture of 2 things.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"Out, Out"

“Out, Out”-
• Read it through-Done
• Define any words you don’t know-Done
o Rueful- Expressing sorrow or regret especially in a slightly humorous way.
o Ether- The Clear Sky
• Identify the speaker
o The Speaker is a narrator someone who was present but was not any of the characters who where mentioned.
• Identify the situation
o What’s happening
• A young boy is cutting some sort of wood to build or repair something, with a buzz saw and all of a sudden the saw gave some kick back, as if trying to grab the boys hand.
o When is this happening
• Sometime during the day.
o Where is this happening
• In Vermont at their home.
• Identify the tone of the poem
o How the poem makes you feel
• Right at the first line of the poem it gives you the sense that this poem will be very harsh or sad.
o The Speaker and how or what he gives to you.
• He gives me sadness, the reader, since I am reading about a young boy who’s hand was torn off by a buzz saw.
• Identify important words or phrases
o “The buzz-saw snarled and rattled in the yard.”
o “…Supper. At the word, the saw, As if to prove saws knew what supper meant, Leaped out at the boy’s hand…”
• Breakdown the words
o Musicality- sound- feeling
• Snarled-Onemoniapeia
• Leaped
• Spoiled
• “Little-Less-Nothing”
o Denotation- definition(s)
o Connotation- what the word implies
• Leaped-Jumped up at-
• Snarled made a growling noise
• Name the theme of the poem
• The Theme is the uncertainty and the unforeseeable results of life, it could end at any moment, just by some small accident such as this buzz-saw accident.
o Usually implied in the poem
• The purpose of the poem
o The purpose of this poem is to show you life could end any moment and to take life and hold onto it as long as you can so when and if you die…you have had a good life.
• How does the author achieve this affect
o The author achieves this affect by simply taking this small accident, and emphasizing it, although things like this happen the child or man usually doesn’t die. So Mr. Frost does this by, adding words like snarled, rattled, and lines like “Little-Less-Nothing” to add on the main purpose.

Those Winter Sunday's&Woman Work

Those Winter Sundays
1. From what point in time does the speaker view the subject matter of the poem? What has happened to him in the interval?
a. The speaker views the subject matter, right at the beginning of the poem when he acknowledges his father, working in the cold early in the morning.

Woman Work
1. Most of the chores in the first 14 lines are associated popularly with “woman[‘s] work,” but two are not. What do these exceptions reveal about the situation of the speaker?
a. The two lines that are not important or not related to womans work, is “The cane to be cut, and, and the cotton to pick.” This suggests that the speaker is black or a slave working on a plantation.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Study of Reading Habits

Blog 3-
*Read “A Study of Reading Habits,” p. 25; write the answers to #1 and 2
1. In the beginning of the poem, the first stanza of the poem, the speaker describes how his early years went with bullies, and school. Later on in the poem it describes his teenager years, and twenties and thirties years.
2. I think that the speaker is the kind of person who believes anything that he reads, and is very ironic how, in the beginning he has his nose in a book and at the end, he says, “Books are a load of crap.”

When In Rome, And, Dulce Et Decorum Est

Blog 1-
*Read “Dulce et Decorum Est,” pp. 6-7; write the answer to #2
*Read “When in Rome,” pp. 33-34; write the answer to #1

The major things in Dulce et Decorum Est, that I thought were the most non-beautiful things are; “Old beggars, coughing like hags, Gas! GAS! devil’s sick of sin, Incurable sores on innocent tongues.” These things I thought were the worst imagery devices that was used and that was really non-beautiful.
The two speakers in When in Rome, are most likely, a slave or someone under the main speaker, like a maid that is doing what she is told and the main speaker is giving the maid food because she is probably to poor to afford any. The situation is where the main or above speaker is asking her maid if she needs any food and it plays out just like that. The second speakers, words enclosed in words shows that the speaker is less authority then the other one, and that shows to differentiate them from each other.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Pathedy Of Manners

Blog 4-
*Read “A Pathedy of Manners” pp. 44-45; write the answer to #4
A Pathedy of Manners- the laungage that sounds the most like it is judging her is when, she says, “Her children gone, her husband one year dead” sounds very depressing and scarry in a weird way.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Questions+Mirror and other poems

Alexander Bergsma
April 2, 2008
Intro To Lit
Block F

For Thursday, 4/3:
*Read “Mirror,” p. 35; make a list to answer #2
*Read “Is My Team Plowing?” p. 29; write the answer to #3

1. The mirror is like a person and not like a person, are;
a. It is not cruel which is something that people that are sometimes.
b. Another thing is that the mirror has a ‘heart’ of some kind
c. A final way the mirror is like a human is because it has a ‘face’.
2. The ways that its like a lake in stanza 2 are:
a. It reflects stuff
b. And it says as if she drowned a young girl.
"Is My Team Plowing"-
3. The word sleep in the ending of the poem, can mean, sleep as in tired, the other one is sleep in, the final one is sleeping as well. Bed means where someone sleeps.