Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Intro to Lit
Question # 5 part A

Q- what is the families social economic- Past, Present, Future?

A- In the story “Greenleaf” the family is depicted as having a poor economic standing they don’t have enough money to fit them.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Alex Bergsma
Intro to Lit
Block F
October 29, 2007

In the story “Greenleaf” the main character; Mrs. May is a mean old women who is tired of working because she just knows that the work she does will not be used in the future. She is also mean because the people around her are very self-centered. Also the bull in the story might represent the Mr. May when he is not there, like when Ms. May always thinks of him saying something like; "If it had been my boys," he would have said, "they would have cut off their right arm before they would have allowed their maw to . . . .".

Friday, October 26, 2007

To Take Life

To Take Life, To Kill

Main character- Seek
Story begins With- Seek’s uncle

1. “If one bird finds on flower too few, whole centuries of flocks won’t never get born.”
This statement by Seek’s uncle means that if a ‘hummingbird’ finds one flower too few than he will die shortly, either by mal nutrition or if he has offspring they will not be strong enough to survive.
2. “See, now, child dead, man born.”
This statement by Seek’s uncle, again, means that if a child dies then shortly a new man is born.
3. “To kill, to take life, they’s a difference, they’s a world, a whole, big world of difference.”
This quote again is by Seek’s uncle who describes that the to kill, is different then to take life.

Humming bird/seek
Seek→ vision quest

-Peace, solitude, nature, way of life.

The Rocking-Horse Winner

Paul is the main character in this short story; he is presented in such a way that the author gets the idea that he is actually crazy. The main motive for him to win these races is that he wants to make not only his mother, but also the whole family, impressed, and to be “excepted.”


Question: Explain what the author means by this quote; “…My stomach kind of fell as felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter.”

Answer: this quote is said bye the main character explaining about how the world will be so hard to the main character; since he quit his job just because he thought that the manager was treating a girl that he liked badly, and he kicked her out.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Lesson

In the lesson the Sylvia, the child who wants everything because she just wants to have it and not to use it for what it is, learns a ‘lesson’ by the end of the short story. ‘This Lesson;’ is taught by Miss Moore who is the caretaker of children who need to learn lessons. The lesson that is taught to Sylvia is the fact that people who are luckier than them can get a toy at a store and that money that those ‘lucky kids’ used on the toy can be given to a family with seven children, and they could be fed for an entire year.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Destructors

The antagonist of the story is the House. The house is the antagonist because ‘T’, or Trevor the protagonist, wants to destroy Old Misery’s house just because it is beautiful. A major conflict in the story is when T the leader of the gang tells his followers to destroy Old Misery’s house just because it is beautiful. During this act Old Misery comes home and the gang locks in his own out house.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Alexander Bergsma
Intro to lit.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Questions 1 and 7

Intro To Literature-

Question.) Which is the most sympathetic of the three characters? The story deals in part with the power struggle among the characters. Which character is the most powerful? Do the balance of power and alliances between the characters shift as the story proceeds?
Answer.) I believe that the most sympathetic character is Kenny. The most powerful character in this story is probably Frank who controls everybody and is very mean.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Blood Infection...A wonderful summer

Over the last weeks of summer I encountered myself with a blood infection called staff. This blood infection was caused by, what the doctors thought, a thorn or a splinter. The way I noticed that I had gotten this infection was by having major pains in my right knee and also one hundred and five degree temperatures. After we visited the doctor’s office in Easthampton, New York we immediately drove back to the city where I was admitted into the Pediatrics Emergency Room. This is where the doctors took blood and measured what hurt and also told me what their ‘Theories’ were; about what I had.

Later the doctors switched me to the pediatric ward where I stayed for 11 days. Over the course of these eleven days I had been to and received numerous examinations by many different doctors each day. As well as receiving examinations I received numerous tests such as Cat Scans, MRI’s, and a nuclear Bone Scan. After about two days of waiting, and many other blood tests, the doctors had reviewed and checked the scans and blood work, yet to my dismay, they did not find anything wrong in the bone scans but in the blood scans my different sediment rates were higher then normal.

Later that day the head of a company called Coram, a nursing company, came into my room and explained to my family and I that I have to go onto a pump which will dose every six hours and keep that on for five weeks. This I was very depressed about then since I was thinking of how long it would take until I could do normal activities. The next day I went to the pediatric P.I.C. line room, where I was put to sleep and the tube or catheter was placed into my arm, fitting into a vein, and continuing into chest where it was stopped about two inches from my heart. After I received this I got dressed and went home. After that my family and I went back to the country and stayed there the rest of the summer.

The Whole experience has really taught me to appreciate medicine even if it takes a while to fix the problem. At least nowadays technology and medicine have fused together, like always before, except stronger, to make sickness’ and diseases much easier to take care of. I have learned in this experience to be much more patient and relaxed in a stressed situation; since it might not always go faster but it can definitely go smoother than what I have seen in previous experiences. I also learned that technology is not something to abuse and take for granted but is instead a privilege. Overall I think that this was a very rewarding and at the same time a scary experience for my family and I.