Sunday, May 4, 2008


“Incident,” pp. 115-116; write the answer to the question on p. 116.
Question- What accounts for the effectiveness of the last stanza? Comment on the title. Is it in key with the meaning of the poem?
The effectiveness of the last stanza emphasizes on the fact that this young speaker only remembered when she was called this racist word, even though she spent a couple of months there this is the only thing she remembers. Yes, the title depicts or foreshadows that out of all the goodness in this poem there will be something bad, that occurs.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Blurry Cow

Analayize- Blurry Cow
Blurry Cow Breakdown

• Read it through- Done
• Define any words you don’t know
o Loping-run or move with a bounding stride.
• Identify the speaker- the speaker is someone who is observing two cows and what they are doing.
• Identify the situation
o What’s happening-two cows are eating in a field.
o When is this happening- during the day
o Where is this happening- a farm somewhere
• Identify the tone of the poem
o How the poem makes you feel- this poem makes me feel as if any ordinary thing can be beautiful.
o The Speaker and how or what he gives to you.
• Identify important words or phrases- ‘the afterimage of this day on earth.’
• Breakdown the words
o Musicality- sound- feeling- the musicality of the words makes it sound happy and as if it is beautiful
o Denotation- definition(s)
o Connotation- what the word implies
• Name the theme of the poem
• The theme of this poem is beautifulness anything can be beautiful, you just have to look at it in a different way.
o Usually implied in the poem
• Or the purpose of the poem- the purpose of this poem is to inform you that what ever you see last on this earth is beautiful no matter what.
• How does the author achieve this affect- the author achieves this affect by taking two ordinary simple everyday animals and breaks down what they do, “One stamps at the hot sting of a deerfly.”