Thursday, January 10, 2008

Journal Entry #2

Alexander Bergsma
Intro To Lit.

In this reading I noticed that there was a complete change of character when Nora’s children entered the room. It seemed as if she stop hiding her feelings and became nice and ‘un-self centered’. Anther thing I noticed was that the man that was going to begin working for Nora’s husband blackmailed her for a job and for her husband to keep a space open for him always. And in the end she is worried that her husband will find out about the money that she owes to one of his employers. But overall I noticed how nervous she was at the end, telling her self that everything was going to be alright.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Doll House-Journal 1

Alexander Bergsma

A Doll House
Pages, 213-224

In these pages one thing that intrigued me was when the two characters Nora and Helmer are talking to each other it seemed like they have names for each other. Nora calls Helmer Torvald, I was interested by this because they are not calling each other by there real names. It also intrigued me that when Helmer was talking Nora would interrupt her and change the subject and make it so it had to do with her.